Monday, March 10, 2014

Summer Training (AGSC 99)

           It was summer last year in the month of April until the end of May when i attended this summer training in accordance to our course' curriculum. In this two months training, i really learned a lot and it helped me to know more about Agriculture.
            This training was comprised of twelve subjects, each one having a two days session. The subjects include Feed Formulation, Orchard Establishment, Vegetable Production, Postharvest of Fruits and Vegetables, Plant Propagation and Nursery Management, Crop Protection, Computer Operation, Parliamentary Procedure, Poultry Production, Meat Processing, Swine Production, and Ruminant Production. Every session was worth it, and we were really trained well by our instructors. Me and the rest of those who took up this subject/training experienced layouting in the field, calculating formulations of feeds and cost and return analysis, propagating plants asexually, classifying weeds and insects, identifying seeds, debeaking chickens, processing meat, injecting vaccine in swine, etc. It's amazing how fruitful two months can be as i've attended this training. It made me want to learn more each and everyday. It was more of developing myself, an advanced overview of the course, and spending every moment pretty good with my classmates.
           In summary, this summer training was absolutely incredible. I am glad that it's a part of my course because it's really beneficial for me and who knows? I might use this knowledge for my future work, right?

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