Monday, March 10, 2014

Being A College Student

             Being in college is a big word which comes with a big responsibility and big opportunity at the same time. It is an another path for you to take, somehow, a preparation and training before you proceed to the real world by your own.

            As i've entered college, ofcourse, i have to bear with several adjustments in my daily life because i knew for a fact that things wouldn't adjust for me, right? Honestly, its not that easy at first. I've seen myself cramming on what to do given a limited time to finish such school works. I've almost experienced quitting for the reason that i'm having a hard time adjusting myself to a subject that i'm not really great in. In addition, i'm also a working student so i have to manage my schedule well for my duty. But, thank God, i got capable of surviving things and as time went by, i've managed to fit in. I have learned that being in college requires great discipline to deal strictly with the rules, such as bearing with the daily security inspection, proper school attire,coming to school on time to assure you're in for the daily attendance, etc. Hardwork and striving harder in concern with your studies are a must, not just for yourself, but even for the people expecting on you. Aside from that, i've seen that being in college is not just about studying, but for having fun as well. You'll get to know more people and gain friends, enjoy and experience different things for the first time that surely are memories worth keeping, discover and develop more in yourself, and encounter more unexpectancies.
           Being in college isn't bad at all. What's best are to be dedicated in every single thing that you do, just enjoy and savor every moment, and don't take things under pressure. Do your best and God will do the rest.

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